Precalculated Data Storage

Raw Data

Tables of data can be found here:

If this is not enough, remember that this module allows anyone to generate new data.

Use of Precalculated Variables

Here is how to use the variables:

  • $\ T_p|\Delta^k$ is Hecke_primes[p][k+1]
  • $\ T_3^iT_5^j|\Delta^k$ is Hecke_powers[i+1,j+1][k+1]

These are stored as Δ-series. The q-series of powers of Δ are stored as follows:

  • $\ \Delta^k$ is precalculated[k+1]

Generating Precalculated Data

The various precalculated data generators may be found in the data subfolder. Note that the user may create new data files, if the provided ones aren't enough. Note as well that there are two implemented ways to store data, we advice the binary for speed purposes.

Binary Data Reads

Text Data Reads